Refugees in the world

From the United Nations Refugee Agency (the UN Commissioer for Refugees, or UNHCR):

“Resettlement is a process that enables refugees to relocate to another country with a legal status ensuring  international  protection  and  ultimately  permanent  residence.  Through  the  Projected  Global  Resettlement  Needs,  UNHCR  estimates  the  number  of  refugees  who  require  resettlement  in  the  following  year,  provides  an  overview  of  the  humanitarian  and  protection  contexts  that  lead  to  those  needs  and  describes  how  resettlement  is  linked  to  regional protection and solutions strategies.”

Syrians  continue  to  be  the  largest  refugee  population  in  need  of  resettlement,  with  close  to  933,000  refugees,  followed  by  refugees  from  Afghanistan  (558,000),  South  Sudan  (242,000), Myanmar (226,000), Sudan (172,000) and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (158,000).

U.S.refugee admissions since 2014:

There are about 36 million refugees living outside their country today. The countries hosting the largest numbers are Iran (3.4 million), Turkey (3.4 million), Germany (2.5 million) and Colombia (2.5 million). The UNHCR asks that about 1.8 million be resettled in the next twelve months.

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