Nationwide, the annual increase in the prime working age population (25 – 54 years old) is very low, about 0.4% a year (go here and here). Most of the increase will be foreign-born. Let’s look at Maine and what is it doing about its workforce by appealing to immigrants. It just set up an Office of New Americans.
.Maine’s current population of 1.32 million. The working age population is growing by about 3,000 year.
Maine has 56,000 foreign born individuals (go here). 10% of greater Portland and Lewiston-Auburn are immigrants. The percentage of immigrants who are working age is higher in Maine than for the total population. If it can attract slightly more immigrants than in the past, they might add 2,000 new foreign-born workers a year.’
That is why the state government is expanding English language education, increasing access to legal representation, expanding pathways to licensure and economic participation.