The New American Economy’s Gateways to Growth program has helped 54 communities in the U.S. to assess and plan for integrating immigrants into their communities. For example, here are excerpts from Bowling Green, KY’s plan:
Bowling Green is the fastest growing city in Kentucky with a 21% growth rate from 2000-2010 with an additional 15% growth between 2011 and 2016. 32.3% of the County’s growth from 2011 to 2016 was attributed to New Americans. Many were refugees.
With a Gateways to Growth grant, the City of Bowling Green created a steering committee. Represented on the committee were government, business, social service, non-profit, entrepreneurs, faith-based, education (K-12, post-secondary, and adult education), public safety, health care, refugee resettlement, housing, and workforce development. The result was a roadmap with many initiatives, including a selection as follows:
Create a liaison position that will connect community stakeholders, businesses, workforce, and Chamber of Commerce partners.
Develop mentorship program to connect New Americans to business professionals and Entrepreneurs
Promote pathways to skilled trades
Support foreign- credentialed New Americans with credential evaluation and state licensure pathway navigation
Promote Adult English Language Learning
Create affordable and safe housing options for New Americans
Providing training on mortgages/loans, rent/ utilities payment, taxes and Insurance
Improve access to health services
Promote and Enhance Civic Engagement