Between 2010 and 2016 the immigrant population grew by 9%. Among the 15 states with the fastest growth, immigration grew by 15%. These states include six northern plains states and two large states – Pennsylvania and Florida. They accounted for 40% of population growth in these 15 rapid states, compared to 33% of population growth nationwide. In PA and WV, immigrants made up for a decline in the native-born population.
Immigrant adults in the 15 states with the fastest immigrant growth have higher levels of education than U.S. immigrants overall: about 76% in 2016 reported having earned a high school degree or higher, compared to 71% of all foreign born and 91% of all U.S. born in the United States. But they have more higher ed experience than the entire U.S. population: 53% have a college BA, some college or an associate’s degree, compared to 40% for the entire country.
Immigrants in the 15 states participate in the labor force at a somewhat higher rate than their native-born counterparts—66% in 2016, compared to 62% of the U.S. born.
About 16% of immigrant families had an annual income below the federal poverty line, compared to 12-14% among the U.S. born.
From Migration Policy Institute