The Migrant Border Crossing Study found out who were the deportees in their 2010 – 2012 interviews. Three quarters had previously lived or worked in the United States. Among those who had lived or worked in the United States, the median time spent in the U.S. was seven years. Half have at least one family member who is a U.S. citizen, and about one in four have at least one child under the age of 18 who have U.S. citizenship. Almost half of those interviewed expressed that they intended to permanently emigrate during their last crossing, and 28% stated that their current home is located in the United States.
The average person was 31 years old, with eight years of formal education and earning a median household income of $280 per month before attempting to cross into the United States. About half spoke at least some English, and one in ten spoke an indigenous language in addition to Spanish. More than half were employed before deciding to leave Mexico, and 42% were the sole income provider for their families.
The majority (56%) reported that they would return to the United States sometime in the future with the rate being substantially higher for people who considered their current home to be located in the United States.