Deportations leaving American children behind

Since 2010 well over one million child citizens have had at least one parent deported since 2010.

About 5 million U.S. citizen children under the age of 18 live with an undocumented family member. This is 30% of all children with at least one immigrant parent and 7% of all children.4.1 million are born in the U.S. (Source: Migration Policy Institute)

ICE issued more than 200,000 deportations for parents with citizen children between 2010 and 2012, according to the most recent government data available. While the government does not track whether U.S. citizen children stay in the United States or leave with a deported parent, both scenarios occur and pose challenges. Go here). That this rate, some 500,000 parents of American citizens have been deported since 2010.

Alternatively, this implies that since 2010 well over one million child citizens have had at least one parent deported since 2010.


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