Bipartisan Policy Center proposes a deal involving permanent protections for Dreamers and border enforcement. Here are some excerpts:
There is a bipartisan deal to be had on DACA [Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals]; permanent status for DREAMers in exchange for additional border security. That high-level outline seems like an easy win for the president, Congress, and DREAMers. Not only that, but it makes for good policy. Finding agreement will mean that DACA legislation cannot become a “wish list” for either interior enforcement on the right or more expansive immigration reforms on the left.
Provisions for Dreamers:
Expand the category of persons covered. [This will cause the target population to grow from about 800.000 to upwards of two million.]
Create a secure path to a green card and citizenship.
Their parents: “it is now clear that addressing their status in this bill would cause one side or the other to block the legislation, and so we believe it should not be included at this time.”
Provisions for enforcement:
Technology: Deploy region-specific technology to appropriate sectors of the southern border, such as radar surveillance systems.
Infrastructure: rebuild roads and barriers, improve security and enforcement technology at ports of entry through additional cameras/surveillance of traffic/pedestrian areas.
Personnel: Increase the number of CBP officers at ports of entry; increase training for CBP officers and Border Patrol agents.
Require annual reporting to Congress and the public on extensive metrics on how the increased efforts have affected entry attempts and successful or unsuccessful border crossings