Illegal immigrants want to stay, become U.S. citizens

In an earlier posting, I reported that the National Immigration Forum surveyed several hundred Spanish speaking undocumented workers in late 2005, and released the results at the end of March. That posting mainly addressed their use of documentation for work. This posting addresses preparation and desire to become American citizens. In short, the vast majority does wish to stay here and become citizens. A large minority of them is here with their spouses and/or children.
The results:

Survey information: Survey was conducted in Miami, Los Angeles and Chicago; Country of birth: 60% Mexican, the most divided evenly between Central and South America, with a small number of Dominicans; Duration in U.S. less than a year: 3%; 1 – 5 year, 42%; 6- 10 years, 34%; over 10 years, 21%; 74% never go back to home country. 75% work full time.
With whom do you live?
With spouse 41%
With children 27%
Alone 30%
How do you speak English
Very well 3%
Well 20%
Not so well 41%
Not at all 36%
Do you want to learn English? 98% yes
Where do you wish to live for the rest of your life?
In the U.S. 81%
In home country 19%
If you could become a legal citizen would you? 90% yes
If your could legalize your status, would you? 98% yes